Monday 2 August 2010

Arkansas Wild Plants #2

KorganIconHere is my second post on wild plants I have found in Arkansas. I will post another five images and hopefully you can identify what it is. If you can identify the name of the plant or the family of the plant, give your information in the comments.

You can click on images for larger images. Here goes.

Here is Arkansas Wild Plants #1 and #3.


  1. The wildflower is just a Black-eyed Susan, or Yellow Daisy. I think.
    Pretty common all over the states.
    As for the rest I have no idea.
    You should just get a book on flowers native to your area out the library :]

  2. Yep, it is. Thought I'd throw an easy one in there to get people's interest ;|

    Cheers, Anonym o' Brien!

  3. I think the bottom one is mimosa. Maybe.

